Tech-enabled relationship maps to effectively engage stakeholders

B2B sales teams can now leverage org charts within Salesforce to target and track decision-makers in support of your stakeholder management strategy

We utilize OrgChartPlus as supplied to us by our business partners at SalesMethods

Without a dynamic, integrated view of decision structures you are at a strategic disadvantage

Missing critical stakeholder information hinders sales team performance

Stakeholder Identification & Roles

Unidentified decision-makers, influencers, gatekeepers, and end-users within the client organization

Decision-Making Processes

Poor visibility into decision-making hierarchies and processes

Relationship Strength

No measure of coverage and relationship strength between your company and the client's

Stakeholder Opinion

No understanding of supporters versus blockers who need to be countered

Interdepartmental Relationships

Failure to capture dynamic relationships and influence patterns between departments and individuals

Up-to-Date Data

Limited real-time changes in the organization, such as new hires, role changes, or shifting responsibilities

Activity Tracking & Accountability

No structured way to ensure engagement and follow-ups with relevant stakeholders

Historical Engagement Data

Limited record of past engagements, making it difficult to build on previous interactions

Missing a Stakeholder Management Process?

Implementing technology without a process only exacerbates current problems

Hit the following button to learn more about our program to improve your sales team's effectiveness

The Challenges of Managing Stakeholder Relationships

Without tech-enabled stakeholder management capabilities, SMBs often face inefficient sales processes, lack of visibility, and missed opportunities

OpsPlus OCP stakeholder attributes

Sales teams often find it difficult to keep track of complex stakeholder networks within their key accounts

Manual processes and fragmented tools lead to inefficiencies, making it hard to understand the true influence and relationships within an organization

This lack of clarity not only hinders decision-making but also extends sales cycles and reduces conversion rates

The Impact on Your Business

Extended sales cycles, lower conversion rates, and missed revenue targets

The absence of robust stakeholder management tools can have significant repercussions

Sales teams are left navigating blind spots, which results in:

  • Prolonged sales cycles as they struggle to identify key decision-makers
  • Missed revenue targets due to overlooked opportunities
  • Lower conversion rates as efforts are misaligned with stakeholder influence

These inefficiencies directly impact your growth potential and competitive edge

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A Comprehensive Solution for Growing Businesses

OrgChartPlus and OpsPlus together provide scalable solutions to enhance stakeholder engagement, relationship management, and sales efficiency

opsplus org charts salesforce hierarchy map key account

OrgChartPlus offers a powerful, integrated solution designed to address these challenges head-on

By combining dynamic org charts with real-time data and advanced relationship management features, OrgChartPlus helps you:

  • Visualize complex stakeholder relationships clearly and intuitively
  • Gain actionable insights into stakeholder opinions, influence, and intimacy levels
  • Streamline your sales processes, reducing cycle times and improving conversion rates.
With OrgChartPlus, your sales team can engage more effectively, prioritize high-impact activities, and drive better sales outcomes

Key Features Driving Sales

Leverage dynamic org charts, real-time updates, and strategic insights to transform your sales outcomes and achieve sales excellence

OrgChartPlus is packed with features designed to transform your approach to stakeholder management and sales:

  • Dynamic Org Charts: Build and visualize your account hierarchies with ease, using our intuitive drag-and-drop interface
  • Real-Time Data: Ensure your team always has access to the most up-to-date information, enabling prompt and informed decision-making
  • Stakeholder Insights: Understand the key attributes of your stakeholders, including their opinion, intimacy, influence, and relationships
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Export your data in various formats such as PDF, PNG, PowerPoint, Word, and Excel to facilitate reporting and collaboration
  • Customization: Tailor OrgChartPlus to meet your specific business needs, ensuring maximum relevance and impact
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Proven Success with OrgChartPlus and OpsPlus

Learn how SMBs have overcome challenges and achieved success with our integrated solution.

OpsPlus OCP stakeholder Org Chart

Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s how OrgChartPlus has helped other SMBs achieve remarkable results:

  • Case Study 1: A leading technology firm reduced their sales cycle by 25% and increased conversion rates by 15% by leveraging OrgChartPlus’s dynamic visualization and real-time insights
  • Case Study 2: A professional services company saw a 30% boost in revenue by effectively managing stakeholder relationships and prioritizing high-impact activities using OrgChartPlus
  • Case Study 3: A manufacturing firm enhanced their account management processes, achieving a 20% increase in upsell and cross-sell opportunities with OrgChartPlus’s comprehensive reporting and analysis tools

Ready to Improve Sales Engagement?

Request a demo today and experience the power of OrgChartPlus

Take the first step towards enhanced stakeholder management and sales efficiency. Our experts are ready to show you how OrgChartPlus can revolutionize your sales process.


OrgChartPlus Application & Customization

We offer OrgChartPlus via our business partner, SalesMethods

OrgChartPlus Licenses

without OpsPlus Stakeholder Management Programs


$27.00 per user, per Month

(Discounted 10% when purchased through OpsPlus.  10 user minimum purchase.)

OrgChartPlus Licenses

with OpsPlus Stakeholder Management Programs


$24.00 per user, per Month

(Discounted 20% when purchased through OpsPlus.  10 user minimum purchase.)

OrgChartPlus Customization

without OpsPlus Stakeholder Management Programs


$1,500 per Day

Seamless Integration for Maximum Efficiency

Explore how OrgChartPlus enhances OpsPlus' stakeholder management program within Salesforce for data accuracy and operational efficiency

OpsPlus OCP stakeholder Org Chart
OrgChartPlus integrates seamlessly with Salesforce, ensuring that your data is always accurate and up-to-date. Key integration features include:

  • Real-Time Sync: Automatic updates ensure your Salesforce data reflects the latest changes in your org charts and stakeholder relationships
  • Customizable Dashboards: Tailor your Salesforce dashboards to display OrgChartPlus data, providing a unified view of your sales and relationship management metrics
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Share insights and reports effortlessly with your team, improving collaboration and strategic alignment

Solutions Designed to Fit Your Needs

Customize OrgChartPlus to meet your unique business requirements and see immediate results

Every business is unique, and OrgChartPlus is designed to adapt to your specific needs. Our customization options allow you to:

  • Create Custom Attributes: Define attributes that are most relevant to your business and track them within OrgChartPlus
  • Use Placeholder Templates: Utilize and modify pre-defined templates to quickly set up charts that reflect your organizational structure
  • Integrate with Existing Processes: Ensure OrgChartPlus fits seamlessly into your existing workflows, minimizing disruption and maximizing impact
opsplus org charts salesforce matrix relationship strength

Intuitive, Supported, Effective

Enjoy an easy-to-use interface and comprehensive support for quick adoption and maximum value

OpsPlus Relationship Sales KPI Dashboards

OrgChartPlus is designed with the user in mind, ensuring a smooth and intuitive experience:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Navigate and build charts with ease, thanks to our drag-and-drop functionality and clear, intuitive design
  • Comprehensive Support: Access a wealth of resources, including user guides, tutorials, and direct support to help you get the most out of OrgChartPlus
  • Training Programs: Benefit from our training programs that ensure your team is fully equipped to leverage OrgChartPlus’s capabilities for maximum impact
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Gain a competitive sales advantage

Our Success-Essential Contacts Accelerator™ program merges process improvement with CRM technology to empower your sales team. Build stronger relationships with critical stakeholders and expand your strategic accounts effectively.

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